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Welcome To Diversity Calgary

Diversity Liaisons of Alberta Health Services

Thank you for visiting our website.  As Diversity Liaisons, public health, Alberta Health Services – Calgary zone, we are dedicated to offering health information and resources to diverse communities in Alberta. 

We aim to increase health awareness and assist in accessing the right services and care at the time of need.  This website was dedicated to being one place to access all health information in multiple languages.  Please enjoy exploring this dynamic and useful website!  Please reach out if you have any questions.

Diversity Liaison Team of AHS sends you information about public and agency events, services, and programs.  Our goal is to raise public awareness of these resources, link the community to services and programs, and promote health and wellness in diverse communities in Alberta. 

Please subscribe to receive communication from Diversity Liaisons Team of AHS.

Latest Articles

  • Nutrition Month 2024

    Did you know? March is Nutrition Month. There are many resources to help you. Take a look at the Nutrition Month Calendar. There is also one for littles! For more information, please visit the Nutrition Month 2024 page. Find a Dietitian *Contents provided by Nutrition Services, AHS. Disclaimer: This material…

  • Eating During Different Seasons

    Content provided by: Alberta Health Services Dietetic Interns and Registered Dietitians  Eating a balanced diet can help us feel good, maintain our health, and give us nutrition.   A Balanced Diet  Canada’s food guide helps us choose foods to live a healthy and active life. Enjoy a variety of foods each…

  • Healthy School Lunch Ideas

    Tired of Sandwiches? School Lunch Ideas from Around the World! By: Alberta Health Services Dietetic Interns and Registered Dietitians Are you looking for healthy and tasty school lunch ideas for your kids? Well, you have come to the right place! Canada’s food guide can be used to pack balanced meals…

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