Community Health Education Sessions for CLB 4+

The following is the list of community health education sessions that Diversity Liaisons of Alberta Health Services can offer to a group of 10 or more participants.  The sessions are made for people with an English level of at least CLB 4 and up.  If you are looking for sessions suitable for lower English level learners, then please take a look at the health session list for CLB 2-3 learners here. Otherwise please provide an interpreter for the session or request to have the session in Cantonese, French, Korean, or Mandarin.  You have an option to request an in-person or virtual session to fit the need of your group.

Unsure what English learning level your group is in? No problem! Please contact us and we can help you.

When you are ready to request a session, please contact us via email.

1. Health Insurance System (HIS)

This is an introduction to Alberta Health Care Insurance, Alberta Blue Cross Insurance, Alberta Child Health Benefits, Alberta Adult Health Benefits, and Low-Income Eye and Dental Assistance Programs. (1.5 hours)

2. Your Health Care Choices (YHC)

This is an overview of key health care choices that are available in Calgary.  These choices are 811, Family Doctors, Walk-In Clinics, After Hours Clinics, Urgent Care Centres, Emergency Departments, and Access Mental Health.  A highlight on how to use 811 and how to request health care interpretation services from Alberta Health Services will also be discussed. (1.5 hours)

3. Seniors’ Health Benefits (SHB)

This is a highlight of seniors’ health benefits in programs such as Alberta Health Care, Alberta Blue Cross, dental and optical, Alberta Aids to Daily Living, and Special Needs Assistance Program.  Health Advice and Interpreting Services.  A highlight on how to use 811 and how to request health care interpretation services from Alberta Health Services will also be discussed. (2 hours)

4. Travel Health Risks – Visiting Friends and Relatives (THR)

This is a highlight of some health risks for those who may travel to their country of origin to visit friends/relatives.  It also covers AHS Travel Health services such as consultation, vaccinations, and education. (1.5 hours)

5. COVID-19 Immunization (C19)

This health session talks about: What is COVID-19? What are the COVID-19 vaccines? Who should get vaccinated/ not get vaccinated? How and where to get vaccinated? What are the side effects? Where to get more information? (1.5 hours)

6. COVID-19 and Travel (CAT)

This session talks about travel health risks related to COVID-19, travel insurance, Canada’s acceptable COVID-19 vaccines and records, dos & don’ts of fully vaccinated travelers, acceptable COVID-19 tests, and where and how to get tested & proofs, and resources to get up-to-date information. (1.5 hours)

7. The Culture of the Canadian Health System (CCHS)

This session is loaded with stories to illustrate the unique culture of our health system where everyone can have health care, adults make their health care decisions, emergency departments are for life-threatening health problems, the role of family doctors and patients in the health system…etc.  Newcomers/participants will learn the key healthcare choices in Calgary, when and how to use them appropriately, and the role of health professionals and patients in the Canadian health system. (1.5 hours)

8. Healthy Eating for Children (HEC)

An overview of mealtime struggles and positive feeding relationships with children, and how to handle and /or prevent picky eating behaviors for children 1 to 5 years of age. (1.5 hours)

9. Safety Car Seat Training (SCT)

A highlight of regulations, education, and tools to assist child caregivers in securing car seats properly and reducing the likelihood of injuries in children. Resources will be given to help parents get updated on the latest guidelines. (1.5 hours)

10. Oral Health & Resources for Children 0-6 years of age (OHC)

An introduction to causes and effects of dental cavities for children, ways to prevent dental diseases, and dental care resources that are available for lower-income families with children. (1.5 hours)

11. Packing A Healthy Lunch (PHL)

This session is designed for immigrant parents of school-age children.
By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1- recognize Canada’s Food Guide and be able to identify foods in each food group; 2-appreciate why foods from all four food groups are required for health; 3-understand how to pack a lunch using correct tools (e.g. Ice pack, getting children involved); 4-find tips to stay prepared for lunches; 5-plan a sample lunch bag; and 6-recognize if they are packing too much for their children. (2 hours)

12. Keeping Safe in the Winter (KSW)

This topic talks about winter in Calgary, the risks, how to keep safe, what winter activities to stay active, and some resources. This session is best for learners who are newcomers to Calgary, Alberta. (1.5 hours)

13. Emotional Wellness (EW)

An overview of what is good health, what affects health, how to identify and cope with stress/problems, what can be done to stay emotionally healthy, and where to get help if needed. (2 hours)

14. Stress Management (SM)

An interactive workshop with tools to help participants identify and better manage their stress. (2 hours)

15. Women’s Health (WH)

This is an overview of women’s health in breast, cervical, sex, and pregnancy.  Resources and suggestions for keeping you healthy in these areas will be covered. (1.5 hours)

16. Men’s Health (MH)

This is an overview of men’s health: prostate and testicular cancers, sexual health, heart, and mental health. Resources and suggestions for keeping you healthy in these areas will be covered. (1.5 hours)

17. Beat the Germs (BTG)

This is an overview of how to wash hands properly, how to prevent germ spreading and how to use antibiotics. The facilitator may use Glow Germ Kits to raise awareness of hand hygiene. (1.5 hours)

18. Oral Health and Resources for Adults (OHA)

Oral health is an important part of your general health and well-being.
This health session is an introduction to the causes and effects of dental cavities for adults, how to prevent dental diseases, and what dental care resources are available for lower-income adults and families. (1.5 hours)

19. Reducing Cancer Risks (RCR)

Almost half of the cancer in Alberta is preventable.  This health session provides statistics, cancer prevention guidelines, and some lifestyle changes to help reduce cancer risks. (1.5 hours)

20. Choosing Healthy Foods in Canada (CHF)

Choosing healthy foods in Canada could be very different from choosing healthy foods in many parts of the world.  This health session highlights important food and nutrition choices to help diverse communities to make healthy food choices for their families.  The health session talks about Choosing Healthy Foods and Drinks, Label Reading, The Healthy Plate, and Meal examples. (2 hours)

21a. Nutrition for Seniors Part I (NFS Part I)

This health session addresses the unique nutritional needs of seniors (65 years +) from multicultural backgrounds who are NOT on a special diet.
Part I – Healthy eating (balanced meals, healthy drinks, and a healthy plate) (1.5 hours)

21b. Nutrition for Seniors Part II (NFS Part II)

Part II – Nutrition intake in Protein, Calcium, Vitamin D, and Salt. (1.5 hours)
A community group can book either Part I or Part II or both.

22. Get Active, Stay Healthy (GASH)

Getting active can have many health benefits.  This health session will explore creative ways to get active in our daily life, be it at home, at work, or at school.  It offers physical activity guidelines for different age groups.  It provides some community resources to support active living for people with limited resources. (1.5 hours)

23. Tips for Sleep Better (TSB)

This health session talks about what is a good night’s sleep, and tips to help sleep better.   Some tips are related to what you can do in the daytime, what you eat & drink, where you sleep, what you do before bedtime, and when you should consider seeking advice from your doctor. (1.5 hours)

24. Understanding Cannabis (UC)

Now that Cannabis is legalized in Canada, what do we need to know for ourselves? For our children?  This health session will help you understand more about Cannabis, its health effects, laws, and impacts on us. (1.5 hours)

25. Understanding Vaping (UV)

Did you know that 34% of Alberta students from grades 7 to 12 tried Vaping at least once?  Did you know many Vaping products can be very harmful to young developing brains?  This presentation will give you an overview of what Vaping is, its health effects, laws, and impacts it has on us. (1.5 hours)

26. Videogame Use & Abuse (VUA)

Video gaming has precipitated a major cultural shift in entertainment and socialization, similar to the advent of radio, television, and the internet.  This health session talks about videogame types & design, videogames & disordered use, decreased & increased risks of addiction, interventions, and resources. (2 hours)

27. Vitamin, Mineral Supplements (VMS)

Did you know that high intakes of vitamin, mineral supplemtns VMS can be dangerous? This health session is an overview of VMS, what AHS recommends, myths and facts of VMS, when to talk to a nutritionist/dietitian, and AHS resources on nutrition. (1.5 hours)

28. Social Media & Youth (SMY)

Overview of social media use regarding risk and protective factors, benefits and risks, brain development, digital citizenship, social media trends, ways to manage social media use, and resources for additional help and information. (2 hours)

29. Understanding Dementia (UD)

Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life, memory, thinking, and planning abilities. This health session is to raise awareness about dementia.  It talks about causes, signs, diagnosis, treatments, care, risks, prevention and resources of dementia. (1.5 hours)

30. Understanding Shingles (US)

Shingles can affect people with a weak immune system and seniors. It may affect organs and brain nerves if not treated in time. This health session will talk about its symptoms, causes, risks, how to prevent, when to call a doctor, how to treat and self-care, and resources for more information. (1.5 hours)

31. Medical Tests and Specialists (MTS)

Overview of what you need to prepare and what needs to be considered before going for medical tests and seeing a specialist in Canada. (1.5 hours)

32. Emergency Preparedness (EP)

Nowadays we see so many disasters in and near our communities.  We need to learn how to prepare for disasters that we may have not foreseen.  This presentation will highlight some of the risks and importance of why we need to prepare for disasters, how to plan as a family and what to prepare. (1.5 hours)

33. Preventing Falls in Older Adults (PFO)

Falling is the most common cause of injury in older adults.  1 in 3 falls each year and most happen in their own home.  This workshop will talk about the causes of falling, how to prevent falling, tips you should know, what to do if you end up falling, and resources. (1.5 hours)

34. Bone Health (BH)

Building and keeping strong, healthy bones continues throughout your life. Bones have many important roles in the body. They support your body, protect organs, help muscles work, and store calcium. This is an overview of bone health: What is osteoporosis, what causes osteoporosis, differences between osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, how to keep bones strong and healthy, how much Calcium and Vitamin D do you need, understanding supplements, and AHS nutrition resources. (1.5 hours)

You can also download a copy of the list here.

To request a community health education session, please visit the ‘Contact Us‘ page from the menu and follow the directions as specified or send us an email!