novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

For any information regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit Alberta Health Services Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage for any updates, FAQ, Testing procedures, Traveling, Prevention, and Symptoms.

Also, now we have an on-line screening tool to help people to determine whether you need to call 811 or get tested. You can find it here.

We have resources to help in tough times, especially all the stress due to the virus and how the economy is changing. Please refer to our resource page for getting help for ourselves, our friends and family.

Also, if you are looking for translated information, they are available on the following websites:

HealthLink BC (Traditional Chinese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese)

Government of Canada Website have the following documents translated

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak Update (French)

Know the facts about coronavirus (COVID-19) (Chinese, Farsi, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tamil)