Health Sessions for Adults – General

13. Emotional Wellness (EW)

An overview of what is good health, what affects health, how to identify and cope with stress/problems, what can be done to stay emotionally healthy, and where to get help if needed. (2 hours)

14. Stress Management (SM)

An interactive workshop with tools to help participants identify and better manage their stress. (2 hours)

15. Women’s Health (WH)

This is an overview of women’s health in breast, cervical, sex, and pregnancy.  Resources and suggestions for keeping you healthy in these areas will be covered. (1.5 hours)

16. Men’s Health (MH)

This is an overview of men’s health: prostate and testicular cancers, sexual health, heart, and mental health. Resources and suggestions for keeping you healthy in these areas will be covered. (1.5 hours)

17. Beat the Germs (BTG)

This is an overview of how to wash hands properly, how to prevent germ spreading and how to use antibiotics. The facilitator may use Glow Germ Kits to raise awareness of hand hygiene. (1.5 hours)

18. Oral Health and Resources for Adults (OHA)

Oral health is an important part of your general health and well-being.
This health session is an introduction to the causes and effects of dental cavities for adults, how to prevent dental diseases, and what dental care resources are available for lower-income adults and families. (1.5 hours)