Health Session for Adults – Specific focus

24. Understanding Cannabis (UC)

Now that Cannabis is legalized in Canada, what do we need to know for ourselves? For our children?  This health session will help you understand more about Cannabis, its health effects, laws, and impacts on us. (1.5 hours)

25. Understanding Vaping (UV)

Did you know that 34% of Alberta students from grades 7 to 12 tried Vaping at least once?  Did you know many Vaping products can be very harmful to young developing brains?  This presentation will give you an overview of what Vaping is, its health effects, laws, and impacts it has on us. (1.5 hours)

26. Videogame Use & Abuse (VUA)

Video gaming has precipitated a major cultural shift in entertainment and socialization, similar to the advent of radio, television, and the internet.  This health session talks about videogame types & design, videogames & disordered use, decreased & increased risks of addiction, interventions, and resources. (2 hours)

27. Vitamin, Mineral Supplements (VMS)

Did you know that high intakes of vitamin, mineral supplemtns VMS can be dangerous? This health session is an overview of VMS, what AHS recommends, myths and facts of VMS, when to talk to a nutritionist/dietitian, and AHS resources on nutrition. (1.5 hours)

28. Social Media & Youth (SMY)

Overview of social media use regarding risk and protective factors, benefits and risks, brain development, digital citizenship, social media trends, ways to manage social media use, and resources for additional help and information. (2 hours)

29. Understanding Dementia (UD)

Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life, memory, thinking, and planning abilities. This health session is to raise awareness about dementia.  It talks about causes, signs, diagnosis, treatments, care, risks, prevention and resources of dementia. (1.5 hours)

30. Understanding Shingles (US)

Shingles can affect people with a weak immune system and seniors. It may affect organs and brain nerves if not treated in time. This health session will talk about its symptoms, causes, risks, how to prevent, when to call a doctor, how to treat and self-care, and resources for more information. (1.5 hours)

31. Medical Tests and Specialists (MTS)

Overview of what you need to prepare and what needs to be considered before going for medical tests and seeing a specialist in Canada. (1.5 hours)

32. Emergency Preparedness (EP)

Nowadays we see so many disasters in and near our communities.  We need to learn how to prepare for disasters that we may have not foreseen.  This presentation will highlight some of the risks and importance of why we need to prepare for disasters, how to plan as a family and what to prepare. (1.5 hours)

33. Preventing Falls in Older Adults (PFO)

Falling is the most common cause of injury in older adults.  1 in 3 falls each year and most happen in their own home.  This workshop will talk about the causes of falling, how to prevent falling, tips you should know, what to do if you end up falling, and resources. (1.5 hours)

34. Bone Health (BH)

Building and keeping strong, healthy bones continues throughout your life. Bones have many important roles in the body. They support your body, protect organs, help muscles work, and store calcium. This is an overview of bone health: What is osteoporosis, what causes osteoporosis, differences between osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, how to keep bones strong and healthy, how much Calcium and Vitamin D do you need, understanding supplements, and AHS nutrition resources. (1.5 hours)