Chinese Traditional
1. 新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
亞省醫療服務局 (Alberta Health Services)
亞省省府 (Government of Alberta)
加拿大政府 (Government of Canada)
2. 健康話題
3. 醫療系統、醫療服務和健康福利
醫療選擇 (Healthcare Options)
獲取提供您母語服務的醫療衛生資訊系統 (Get Health System Information in Your Language)
瞭解您的選擇 (Know Your Options)
在一起更安全 (Safer Together)
歡迎來到 Foothills Medical Centre:患者介紹 (Welcome to Foothills Medical Centre: Patient Orientation)
歡迎來到 Rockyview 醫院:患者 住院 介紹 (Welcome to Rockyview Hospital: Patient Orientation)
精神健康 (Mental Health)
不確定下一步該怎麼做 (Access Mental Health Poster)
成癮與心理健康 (Addiction and Mental Health)
4. 婦女健康
5. 長者健康
6. 其他
食物安全 (Food Safety)
烹飪程序 (Cooking Procedures)
食物安全提示 (Food Safety Tips)
食品服务行业 食品安全自修课程 (Home Study Course in Food Safety)
衛生計劃書簡介 (Introduction to a Sanitation Program)
把微生物保持在低溫 (Keep Micro-organisms Cool!)
保持您和您的客人健康! (Keep You and Your Guests Healthy!)
生肉煮熟 (Raw Meat Cook Poster)
生肉 (Raw Meat Safety Label)
生肉 (Raw Meat Safety poster)
三格水槽洗碗方法 (Three Sink Dishwashing Method)
患者參與 (Patient Engagement)
在一起更安全 (Safer Together)
7. 外部資源
加拿大衛生部 (Health Canada)
加拿大牙科福利簡介 (Canada Dental Benefit Factsheet)
食品指南簡介 (Canada’s Food Guide)
蜱蟲十大藏身部位 (Top 10 tick hiding spots in your body)
保護您的寵物,遠離蜱蟲和萊姆病 (Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme disease)
享受戶外,遠離蜱蟲 (Enjoy the outdoors, without a tick)
如何檢查 蜱蟲 (How to check for ticks)
化學物質與兒童健康 (Chemicals and Children’s Health)
化學物質和我們的環境 (Chemicals and Our Environment)
化學物質和您的健康 (Chemicals and Your Health)
化學品管理計劃下的 監察及研究工作 (Monitoring and Research Under the Chemicals Management Plan)
亞省省府 (Government of Alberta)
Translated news releases in Traditional Chinese
暴風雪、冰雨和冰風暴 (Blizzards, freezing rain, and ice storms)
應急包物品清單 (Emergency kit checklist)
寵物應急包 物品清單 (Emergency kit checklist for your pets)
車輛應急包物品清單 (Emergency kit checklist for your vehicle(s))
家庭暴力 : 您需要知道什麼 (Family Violence: What you need to know)
農場動物和牲畜的應急準備 (Farm animal and livestock preparedness)
防洪 (Flood preparedness)
阿片類藥物 ‐ 在 了解更多 (Opioids – learn more at
停電和停水 (Power and water outages)
亞伯塔省民遇到基於性別的暴力時所需的資源 (Resources for Albertans Experiencing GBV)
惡劣天氣 (Severe weather)
是時候談談虐待長者的問題了(There’s more to elder abuse than meets the eye.)
雷暴、閃電和冰雹 (Thunderstorms, lightening, and hail)
龍捲風和狂風 (Tornadoes and extreme winds)
洪災之後怎樣做 (What to do after a flood)
緊急情況之前應怎樣做 (What to do before an emergency)
緊急情況時應怎樣做 (What to do during an emergency)
野火 (Wildfires)
BC省HealthLink (HealthLink BC)
幫助在這裏(BC夥伴之心理健康與物質使用資訊 (Here to Help (BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information))
躁狂抑鬱症 (Bipolar Disorder)
幼童的健康思維 (Healthy Thinking for Young Children)
幫助孩子面對恐懼 (Helping Your Child Face Fears)
幫助孩子獨睡或在外面過夜 (Helping Your Child Sleep Alone or Away from Home)
協助孩子克服完美主義 (Helping Your Child Overcome Perfectionism)
Kelty凱爾蒂精神健康資源中心 (Kelty Resource Centre)
強迫性精神症 (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
驚恐症 (Panic Disorder)
青少年的實際思維 (Realistic Thinking for Teens)
家長指南: 青少年的酒精及藥物問題 (The Road Ahead : A Guidebook for Parents of Young Teens about Alcohol and Other Drugs)
抑鬱症及焦慮症檢測 (Screening Self-Test)
季節性情緒病 (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
精神分裂症 (Schizophrenia)
壓力 (Stress)
與孩子或青少年討論焦慮問題 (Talking to Your Child or Teen About Anxiety)
其他 (Others)
Work Safe BC
– 在工作中保持安全 (Staying Safe at work)
Arthritis Society of Canada
– 骨關節炎(又稱退化性關節炎) (Osteoarthritis)
– 類風濕性關節炎 (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Finding Balance & Injury Prevention Centre
跌倒後怎樣幫助⾃已從地上起來 (How to Get Up From the Floor : Finding Balance) Ontario
心理健康及心理健康問題 (About Mental Health and Mental Health Problems)
應付壓力 (Coping with Stress)
新生兒篩查與您的寶寶 (Newborn Screening Ontario)
心理健康和戒毒支持 您並不孤單! (What can I do to feel less stressed during challenging times?)
你與你的嬰兒… (You and your baby…)
Welcome BC
在卑詩省居住、工作和求學 (Newcomers’ Guide)
Sick Kids Child Health Topics
繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
8. 中文電台廣播 (Chinese Radio broadcast)
乳腺癌 (Breast Cancer) English version
營養師 (Dietitian) English version
享受美味健康的假期,而不會增加假期體重 (Enjoying Delicious and Healthy Holiday Season without the Holiday Weight Gain) English version
糖尿病之健康飲食 (Healthy Eating For Diabetes)
植物性飲食方式 (Plant-Based Style Of Eating)
Disclaimer: This material is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health professional. This material is intended for general information only and is provided on an “as is”, and “where is” basis. Although reasonable efforts were made to confirm the accuracy of the information, Alberta Health Services does not make any representation or warranty, express, implied, or statutory, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, applicability, or fitness for a particular purpose of such information. Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials and for any claims, actions, demands, or suits arising from such use. Last updated June 2024.