Diversity Liaisons are here to provide information about Alberta Health Services (AHS) health services, connect you to our health programs, and refer you to government or community health resources. We are pleased to direct you to the right place. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ):
I am looking for a family doctor around my neighborhood. How can I find one?
You can call Health Link 811, a 24/7 free health advice line, and press 1 to speak to an information specialist. If you would like to get help with English, you can say “I speak _____” and an interpreter will be arranged for you over the phone. 811 will help you find a doctor who can speak your language.
Another way is to use the website, albertafindadoctor.ca to search for clinics around the neighborhood.
I am looking for a family doctor who can speak my language. How can I search for one?
You can call Health Link 811, a 24/7 free health advice line, and press 1 to speak to an information specialist. If you would like to get help with English, you can say “I speak ____” and an interpreter will be arranged for you over the phone. 811 will help you find a doctor who can speak your language.
Another way to find one is to go on a website cpsa.ca and search by language.
My family doctor only works from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday and where should I get help if I have questions or concerns after those hours?
You can call Health Link 811, a 24/7 free health advice line, and press 2 to speak to a nurse. If you would like to get help with English, you can say “I speak _____” and an interpreter will be arranged for you over the phone. 811 nurses will be able to help with your medical questions and direct you where and what to do.
Where can I find accurate and updated information about COVID-19 and vaccines?
Please refer to Alberta Health Services’ website, www.ahs.ca/covid for any information about COVID-19.
Please note that we can only answer questions regarding general resource inquires. Please do not contact us with personal information about your health concerns.