Women’s Health

All information found on this page can be downloaded as a handout.

Healthcare Professionals

Family Doctor

Services done:
– Annual Check-ups
– Breast exam & Pap tests
– Pregnancy
– Flu & Cold, small pains
– Referrals to Specialist
– Order medical tests

How to find a family doctor:
College of Physicians and Surgeons website (search by language – advance search)
Search one near an address on Primary Care Network website
– Call Health Link Alberta 811  
– Ask your friends and family


Consultations provided on:
– Prescribed & non-prescribed medicines
– Vitamin & supplement use
– Doses
– Prescription list
– Weight management
– Tobacco Use

General Health

Call 811 and ask for Dietician / Nutritionist for questions.

Health Condition

Patients with long-term health condition can sign up for Alberta Health Living Program. This program have access to dietician.


Low-income families can sign up for services by Best Beginning Program. This program have access to a dietician.

Women’s Health Topics

1. Breast Health

  • Breast cancer screening
  • 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, every day 1 Albertan will die.
  • 80% of women with breast cancer have no family history
  • 90% of women with breast cancer have no gene mutation
  • Self / clinical exam done at annual check-up
  • Family doctor’s referral needed for mammogram
  • Ages 45-74

2. Pap test

  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Sexually active women: start at 25
  • 3 years after having sex: e.g. 25+3= start at 28
  • Then once every 3 years till 69
  • Pap test: family doctor / women’s health clinics
  • Colposcopy test: family doctor’s referral needed

Consider Vaccination

  • 100% of cervical cancer are caused by HPV
  • sexual or skin-to-skin contact in genital area
  • 75% of sexually active people will get HPV
  • hide in body for years
  • vaccine is good for females: 9 – 45 ; males: 9 – 26
  • vaccine: 3 shots in 6 months

3. Sexual Health

Services these AHS clinics offer:

  • Birth control information, supplies and prescriptions
  • IUD & contraceptive implant insertions & removals
  • STI, HIV, and syphilis testing and treatment
  • Emergency contraception
  • Pregnancy testing and pregnancy options support (parenting, adoption, abortion)
  • Pap tests
  • Post-abortion check-ups
  • Care after a sexual assault

4. Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • Women’s Reproductive system consult
  • Minor surgeries
  • Hysterectomy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Abnormal periods
  • Abnormal cysts
  • Severe PMS

What is the difference between Menopause & Perimenopause?

  • No period for 1 year
  • Around age 50 (mid 40 – mid 50)
  • Normal changes in reproductive and hormone systems
  • Some treatments can trigger earlier
  • Some of the common symptoms include:
    Irregular periods (light/heavy bleeding, shorter/longer)
    – Hot flashes
    – Insomnia
    – Emotional changes, depressed
    – Headaches
    – Heart beating too fast/unevenly
    – Problems with remembering or thinking clearly
    – Vaginal dryness

    Overtime, many improve or go away.

  • Process of change leading up to menopause
  • Late 30~early 50
  • Can last for 2 to 8 years

5. Pelvic Floor

  • Bladder or bowel problems
  • Uncontrolled loss of urine
  • Treatment
  • Family doctor’s referral needed

6. Osteoporosis

  • Bone health test (bone density test)
  • Affects 1 in 4 women over 50
  • Family doctor’s referral needed

Risk Factors

  • Not enough calcium
  • Older than 65
  • If a family member broke a bone after age 50
  • If you have broken a bone after age 40
  • If you are a women and have been through a menopause

How to reduce risks

– Enough calcium and Vitamin D
– Exercise (Weight-bearing and resistance)
– Stop smoking
– Lower your caffeine intake
– Limit your alcohol intake

7. Colonoscopy

  • Colon Cancer screening
  • Affects 1 in 13 men, 1 in 16 women
  • Home stool test FIT at 50, once a year
  • Colonoscopy – family doctor’s referral needed


Alberta Healthy Living Program
  • Education classes
  • Better Choices, Better Health (Peer Support)
  • Nutrition services
  • Free and at various sites in Calgary
  • Virtual and in-person available
  • To register, go online or call 1-844-527-1160
Women’s Clinic – Mosaic Primary Care Network

– Self-referral or family doctor’s referral
– 1-2681 36 St NE, 403-250-5066
– Pap test, breast examination, birth controls including IUDs, STI testing and counselling, menopause and more
– Interpretation available

811 Health Link Alberta

– For any general health questions, please call 811 Health Link.
– 24/7, free, confidential
– Interpretation available.
– baby care advice and classes

All information found on this page can be downloaded as a handout.  If you have any questions, please contact us.   

Disclaimer: This material is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health professional. This material is intended for general information only and is provided on an “as is”, “where is” basis. Although reasonable efforts were made to confirm the accuracy of the information, Alberta Health Services does not make any representation or warranty, express, implied or statutory, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, applicability or fitness for a particular purpose of such information. Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials, and for any claims, actions, demands or suits arising from such use.  Last updated June 2024.